Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Traffic: An Unsolved Problem in Sunnyland

Traffic in Sunnyland is a continually growing problem that has no agreed upon solution.

Neighborhood plans state that Sunnyland Neighborhood needs to have it's streets improved to be more efficient. The plans also state that they would like to add some trees for aesthetic value.

James Street, in front of Trader Joe's, is one place considered a problem area. Residents speculate there are a few reasons why it is so busy.

"Look, it's another Canadian," Ryan Decker said as he walked across the parking lot in front of Trader Joe's. "And another, and another. The reason I couldn't find parking here is because every spot was already taken by a Canadian car."

When Trader Joe's was first coming to Bellingham, in 2007, members of the Sunnyland Neighborhood Association were worried that the increased flow of traffic to and from the store would make James Street hazardous.

Police records show that from the opening of Trader Joe's until now, that the number of traffic problems have actually decreased.

In 2009, a year after Trader Joe's opened, there were 278 reported traffic accidents/offenses. In 2012, there were 171.

So far this year there have been 150 reported traffic accidents/violations in the Sunnyland neighborhood and the year is not over yet.

There are a couple reasons why traffic may actually be getting better in Sunnyland.

1.) People are becoming accustomed to the busyness and driving carefully.
2.) Minor street projects are helping the flow of traffic.
3.) It is just a coincidence that traffic was worse a few years ago.
4.) Other projects throughout Bellingham and surrounding neighborhoods have lessened the flow of traffic through Sunnyland.

Projects over recent years include street widening plans, on Meridian, Alabama, State Street and more.

While no plans have been approved, no matter what the current numbers say, members of the Sunnyland Neighborhood Association still wish to update their streets. It may take a while but current improvements, like the sidewalk in front of Sunnyland Elementary school, will be ongoing.

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